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8 Things You Can Do To Improve House Cleaning

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8 Things You Can Do To Improve House Cleaning

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As a house owner, it should be your goal to constantly keep it clean, improve the things you are doing and make changes so you can do your part in increasing the overall value of your house, which would be really beneficial for you if you decide to sell your house in the future.

Not only for resell purposes, but keeping your house clean is really nice, I mean, no one wants to live in a place that is dirty, right?

As the best commercial realtor in Calgary NE, we want to help you keep your house clean, and this is why we are going to list down some things that you can do in order to make your house look new!

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8 Things You Can Do To Improve House Cleaning

1. Clean your dishwasher

Not only the surfaces, but you also have to clean the things that help you clean.

After prolonged usage, excess food, grease, and other food materials, dirt can build up in the interior of your dishwasher. As a house owner, it is your job to make sure that your dishwasher is clean, I mean, you don’t want to use a cleaning thing that’s dirty, right?

2. Clean your humidifier

Another thing that you want to do is make sure that you are frequently cleaning your humidifier, considering that water is a breeding ground for mold and microbes. From time to time, clean your humidifier. Try to clean your humidifier with hot water and a sponge, get the dirt out properly, and make sure you use a flashlight to check if you have cleaned everything properly.

3. Clean the shower curtains

This one is something not many people do!

A lot of people think their shower curtains are never going to get dirty, but they are wrong. 1 week or 2 weeks after getting constantly wet, you want to make sure that you are drying out your shower curtain and are cleaning it properly. Bacteria and permanent stains can be present on them and you have to clean them out to keep your bathroom clean!

4. Have a shoe room

Smelly shoe problems need a fix, and this one is what we came up with. Instead of storing all your shoes in one place at the entrance of your house, you want to have a shoe room. Yep, it does sound a bit expensive but in reality, it’s not. Just convert the extra storeroom that you have in your house and store your fresh sneakers there.

Important note, please keep your shoes clean and make sure you deodorize them, considering shoes smell a lot and the smell they emit is really gross.

5. Add an air-freshener

If your house has poor air circulation, you want to make sure that you are adding an air freshener in your rooms, especially in your kitchen. Doing this will help you out a lot in the entire process of improving your house cleaning. Try to add an automatic air freshener in each major room of your house, set the timer to spray once per hour. A single refill can last you anywhere from 2 to 3 months and trust us, the smell is going to be amazing.

6. Service the air conditioner

During the summer, dust is a huge problem and if you have an air conditioner, you need to make sure that you service it before you use it. If dust is heavily present inside an air conditioner, you will find a lot of dust in your room, considering that it will blow up what’s present inside it. So before the summer starts, call an air-conditioning company and get yours cleaned!

7. House sanitization

If someone in your house recently caught coronavirus or a deadly infectious disease, it’s important to carry out a complete house sanitization. This can do a lot for you in the entire process of keeping everything clean, considering that bacteria is going to be completely killed and removed from hard surfaces once this type of process is carried out.

  1. Use Microfiber cloth when cleaning glass

Stop using ordinary cloths when you are cleaning glass, instead, you want to invest some of your money into microfiber cloths. They are amazing, great for glass and they do not leave scratches on glass surfaces. This one is a good investment if you have a lot of glass in your house. Not only that, but if you own an expensive TV, you can use this one on that too!

Did we miss out on anything in the list above? Let us know what we missed out on by leaving a comment in the comments section below!